Monday, November 2, 2009


Welcome to The Movement Moves On, a blog designed with the intentions of educating as many people as possible to the current state of our country. What is the current state of our country? Well in this bloggers opinion things are bad; very bad. If we continue down the path that we are on things will only continue to get worse.
Why do I believe the United States of America has such a bleak outlook? A combination of things that on their own would be reason for alarm but when combined is almost cause for hysteria. I list these items in no particular order below.

1. Current State of US economy
a. Huge national debt totaling nearly 12 Trillion dollars. (ref. )

b. Unemployment rates of 9.8% the highest since 1982. (ref. )

c. The possibility of facing inflation or even hyperinflation over the next decade. (ref. )

2. Destruction of Civil Liberties and Government takeover of the private sector
a. Government appointees without Congressional or Presidential approval determining how much a person can earn. (ref. )

b. The US Government currently owns and operates major private sector Banks and Companies. By definition this is Fascism

c. Government run health care that will increase the Federal Governments power and control over the people.

3. President Obama and his appointees’ radical views on government and the fabric of American society.

a. President Obama’s belief that the constitution of the United States is “fundamentally flawed” (ref. )

b. Presidential appointees praising the likes of Communists, Socialists and Marxists political figures.

This broad range of concerns is merely just the tip of the iceberg in reference to our countries current decay. It is important for the people of the United States to become educated to what is going on in Washington DC; knowledge is the most dangerous weapon in the world. This country was founded on the principals of the Declaration of Independence and the ideology of the US Constitution. Beliefs in deviation of these two documents are fundamentally un-American.

"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is Liberty." -Thomas Jefferson

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    Here's the link.
